Captain's Log: Win Conditions

We’ve already touched on a few of the specific win conditions in Captain’s Gambit, such as Hamlet, Cordelia, Brutus, and Rosalind. But today, I want to speak more broadly about the types of win conditions in the game. While every captain’s win condition is unique, they mostly fall within one of five categories: Assassination, Ascension, Devotion, Sabotage, and Domination. Some captains straddle the line between these categories, but it is important to understand these core objectives if you hope to outwit your opponents.



Notable Captains: Hamlet, Portia, Brutus, Othello, Tybalt & Mercutio

Assassins have the most straightforward win condition in Captain’s Gambit: kill a specific captain before the game ends. Some assassins (like Hamlet and Brutus) mark their targets during the prologue, while others (like Portia and Othello) need to adapt their strategy as their targets shift throughout the game. Regardless of who your target is, assassins need to be mindful to not draw too much attention onto themselves while waiting for the right moment to strike. But be careful, because if you wait too long another captain might snipe your bounty and deny your victory.


Notable Captains: Prospero, Lady Macbeth

Whether by gathering energy as Prospero or by accumulating blood as Lady Macbeth, ascenders need to reach a critical threshold of power before they can begin their final test. Once they are fully prepared, they may reveal themselves to declare their tyrannical intentions. If they manage to endure the ensuing onslaught from the other captains for one full round, they will stand victorious. But should they declare at the wrong moment, ascenders may be unprepared to withstand the full might of the galaxy.


Notable Captains: Cordelia, Rosalind, Imogen, King Lear

Not all captains have selfish intentions, but simply wish to serve according to their bonds; no more nor less. Whether protecting a single captain or multiple captains, devotees will do whatever it takes to ensure their allies’ survival. However, this galaxy is often distrusting of alliances and is quick to destroy them. Devotees must be subtle in their approach or they may jeopardize the safety of their companions.  


Notable Captains: Puck, Iago, Viola

Masters of sabotage and deception, manipulators seek to bend the galaxy to their will. Each manipulator has their own vision for how the game should unfold and must keep it flowing according to their plans. Manipulators may need to deceive, disrupt, and even destroy their opponents to ensure that the game only ends when it suits their whims. But be careful to always think ahead, or you may risk your own untimely demise.



Notable Captains: Romeo & Juliet, Richard, Titus

Finally, some captains desire nothing short of the complete and total annihilation of their enemies. Dominators will not be satisfied until all life has been eradicated and they alone stand as rulers over the ashes. Though these captains wield overwhelming power, they often cannot defeat a united galaxy on their own. However, with just the right amount of pressure, perhaps they can convince the galaxy to simply destroy itself.

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Stay Lofty!