Balancing Drain has been by far the hardest part of designing Captain’s Gambit. Since the very beginning, Drain was meant to serve three main functions:
Allow passive captains (i.e. Puck, Rosalind, etc.) to “attack” other players without actually attacking them;
Prevent players from stockpiling too much energy (this really matters for keeping Prospero in check); and
Disrupt other players from executing their plans
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At first, I (AC) was opposed to Mitchell’s suggestion of adding a healer. This is because at this stage in development, we had a problem where everyone was being a pacifist most of time: essentially, people tended to sit in the corner and Overcharge by themselves until basically round 6. Boring! Despite my disinclination for specifically encouraging pacifism, I relucantly agreed to try - good game design does mean listening and testing, and I wanted to be a good designer. By round 2 I realized Rosalind’s true effect, and I was glad to have been corrected.
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In Captain’s Gambit, our cast of characters involves aliens, but of course based on Shakespearian characters from centuries ago.
While we’ve kept the names and pronouns of the original characters, it was a conscious decision to design the female captains as such that we didn’t give them all cis-mammal-human characteristics.
The art and character designs that we went for might look inconsequential, but the design behind them is actually a little complicated. The question boils down to this: how do you make representation of women obvious, without perpetuating stereotypes about what defines womanhood?
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